The Strategic plan has been created to help improve Limestone and create community connection. The plan focuses on improving safety, academic achievement, school culture, and family and community relationships over 5 years.
Limestone is working to ensure a safe environment for students and staff. Superintendent Keith Brown shared, “School safety should be one of the first things in there (the plan) because that should be our top priority.” The district has reviewed and updated the safety plan for LCHS. Going forward, at the beginning of every school year there will be an in-depth review of this plan to ensure every staff member knows what to do in any unsafe situation. Limestone also encourages students to report unsafe conditions and situations.
The plan also works to improve overall academics and achievements including attendance. Limestone’s chronic absenteeism (missing more than 10% of attendance days) rate has been at a high of 43%. The district is working on implementing strategies to lower it to less than 20% by the 2025-2026 school year.
Not only is Limestone trying to improve student attendance, but it is also looking at teacher attendance. Twenty-seven percent of Limestone’s teachers had over 10 absences a year. The goal is to lower it to less than 13% by the end of the 2025-2026 school year.
In terms of achievement, this plan is also designed to help improve the percentage of 9th graders on track to graduate from 80% to 90%+ by the end of the 2026-2027 school year. Limestone’s graduation rate is 77% and they are working on increasing it to 90%+.
This plan is also working to improve school culture. Limestone wants to provide a welcoming, and encouraging environment to all students, and staff. The district would like to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of students and staff. The Rock Solid Student of the Month is one of the ways to celebrate positive contributions from students. “I think it’s really important to celebrate milestones even if they seem like little steps,” said Brown.
Another goal of the plan is to improve family and community partnerships. LCHS is working to improve communication. Limestone will provide active and continuous communication to families and the community over various platforms. Events/activities happening at Limestone and accomplishments of students/teams/organizations will be shared to keep everyone updated and informed.
“The plan is like a road map designed to guide how we would address some of the issues, and things that needed to be fixed or edited,” said Brown.
Click the link to view the Strategic Plan .