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ABC lunch hour returns

ABC lunch hour returns

After three long years of the COVID-19 pandemic, Limestone Community High School is reverting back to ABC lunches since social distancing guidelines have been lifted.

During COVID-19, students had lunch with their same-grade classmates.  Underclassmen would attend 5th-hour classes while upperclassmen would alternate between lunch and Rocket Academy.  Then the reverse would happen during 6th hour.  This system assigned fewer students to a lunch period and allowed the district to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Principal Keith Brown explained the change to lunch hours.  Brown said, “We decided to go back to what it used to be which was three lunches.  Part of it has to do with the supervision of lunches, so it’s an hour and a half instead of two hours of the day now. ”  Brown also cited students having an extended amount of downtime in the middle of the day which resulted from pairing RA with lunch.

Lunch in this format was problematic in other ways.  Students who had lunch by grade were limited by whom they could share lunch.  The system also prevented students from meeting with some teachers for additional assistance because they were assigned to different RA time periods.

The return to three lunch hours allows students from all grade levels to interact.  The change has been well-received by students and teachers alike.


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