Driscoll Becomes an Eagle Scout


Ethan Torat, Writer

Limestone Senior, Frank Driscoll has reached the final rank in the Boy Scouts. Driscoll has been a Boy Scout since first grade and has been working towards the Eagle Scout rank for a long time. Driscoll had to earn 21 Merit Badges (Merit Badges are achieved by doing activities in the Scouts) and complete a community project. His project was painting blue different blue areas in the weight room.


Driscoll’s biggest inspiration for working towards Eagle Scouts was his father and grandfather, both of which being Eagle Scouts themselves. He said that they helped him find time and motivated him to achieve the Eagle Scout title. Driscoll said, the Scouts were a family tradition among the men in his family, and he has always known about the Scouts.


Driscoll said to him, “Being an Eagle Scout means showing Leadership.” He explains that now that he is an Eagle Scout he has to show more leadership qualities because people will be looking up to him. He said that his plans for the Scouts will take place after college. Helping Scout Leaders teach kids in Boy Scouts is likely to be a part of his future.