Food Fair 101

March 15, 2022

After a one year COVID hiatus, Food Fair is back!  Since the classes of ’24 and ’25 have never experienced the madness, here are food fair recommendations from the Limelight staff.

10 Steps To A Successful Food Fair

10 steps to have a successful food fair:

  1.  Purchase 10-15 tickets
  2.  Be cognizant of the people around you and wait your turn
  3.  Check out the menu before and have an idea of what you want
  4. Buy tickets beforehand during lunch hours
  5.  Donate extra tickets to the Battle of the Sexes buckets
  6. Have your tickets ready to hand over
  7. Don’t cut inline
  8. Clean up after yourself
  9. Be nice and respectful to the people giving you your food
  10.  Just bring your tickets, leave everything else in your locker
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Food Fair Menu

Thanks to Mrs. Stout we have the Food Fair Menu. Please take a look at the menu to see what delicious foods are going to be there.

Group Name Food Item How many tickets does it cost?
LCHS Choirs Bottled Water 1
Volleyball Walking Tacos 3
Girls Tennis Lemonade Shake UPs 2
Sophomore Class Soda 1
Softball Pizza 2
Unified PE Breadsticks 1
Carpentry Chili 1
French III, IV crepes 2
Student Council LaGondola sandwiches 4
Football Brats 2
Key Club Edible Cookie Dough 2
Culinary Arts Root Beer Floats & Shirley Temples 2
Welding BBQ Sandwich 3
Yearbook Brownies 1
Art club Baked Potato Bar 2
Freshman Class Buffalo Chicken Dip 2
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