Food Fair Menu

Adam and Aiden Davis, Writer

Thanks to Mrs. Stout we have the Food Fair Menu. Please take a look at the menu to see what delicious foods are going to be there.

Group Name Food Item How many tickets does it cost?
LCHS Choirs Bottled Water 1
Volleyball Walking Tacos 3
Girls Tennis Lemonade Shake UPs 2
Sophomore Class Soda 1
Softball Pizza 2
Unified PE Breadsticks 1
Carpentry Chili 1
French III, IV crepes 2
Student Council LaGondola sandwiches 4
Football Brats 2
Key Club Edible Cookie Dough 2
Culinary Arts Root Beer Floats & Shirley Temples 2
Welding BBQ Sandwich 3
Yearbook Brownies 1
Art club Baked Potato Bar 2
Freshman Class Buffalo Chicken Dip 2