The Nightmare Before Christmas is being re-released in theaters for its 30th anniversary. This 1 hour and 16-minute stop-motion movie by Tim Burton (Spoilers ahead) follows Jack Skellington “The Pumpkin King” who gets bored with his average life and accidentally stumbles upon Christmastown. In Christmastown he kidnaps Santa so he can take Santa’s place.
To go along with this re-release there will be special concessions and souvenirs at theaters. Starbucks is also releasing a 30th-anniversary, limited edition tumbler. Other collectibles, clothing, a stylish vinyl record of the movie’s soundtrack, and a 4k UHD version of the film will be hitting store shelves.
The movie has been surrounded by much debate. Fans cannot seem to agree if this is a Halloween or Christmas film. Recently The Limelight conducted an Instagram poll of its followers. They overwhelmingly categorized it as Halloween.
The movie was based on a poem with only three characters.
The movie took three years to produce.
The film’s songs were written before the script.
The soundtrack hides a small “Easter egg” It is an epilogue where Santa comes back years later and Jack is a dad.
There were also two voice actors for Jack. One that spoke and the other that sang.
(October 20-22, 2023)
Willow Knolls – 12:30 PM, 2:40 PM, 4:50 PM, 7:00 PM, and 9:10 PM