Outlet Update Electrifies Classrooms

Peter Meismer and Cody Smith

Limestone’s latest construction project is an electrical outlet update to classrooms. Classrooms in the English, Math, Science, and Business hall were updated over winter break, with part of the resource hall being done as well. Rooms with the update have two additional electrical outlets, one at the front of the classroom and one at the back. Students will now have a better ability to charge their Chromebooks in class. This has been something many teachers and students have wanted for a while.

The update itself is an extension of the recent update to the lighting in the building. Joe Miars, head of maintenance, explained, “We converted the lights in all the classrooms to LED lights, which use roughly half the electricity that the old ones did.” This allowed for more electricity to be used elsewhere. Because there was a need for more electric outlets in classrooms, it was decided to use the extra electricity for new outlets in classrooms. 

According to Superintendent Dr. Allan Gresham, “About half of the classrooms are done now. The electrical contractor that is working on this project for us got about half of them done over our holiday break. And they will be back again over spring break, hopefully, to finish the rooms that they haven’t been into.”  

The project is tentatively scheduled to be completed during spring break.