Rockets Take the High Road
LCHS Skips Devious Licks

September 30, 2021
“Devious Licks” are a trend on tik tok where students steal something from school and post it on tik tok.
Luckily at Limestone Community Highschool the students take the high road and choose not to participate in this trend. The principal of LCHS, Charlie Zimmerman sent out an email thanking the students for behaving so well during this trend. Zimmerman found out about this trend on social media and has read about it in the news. Zimmerman stated, “I feel like social media influences us way too much, we allow social media to influence us to do things that we know are wrong in our hearts.”
Zimmerman hopes that our students will continue to take the high road but if not the consequences could be vandalism and paying for what was damaged and broken. Zimmerman sincerely thanks the student body for not taking part in the “Devious Licks” trend and hopes that this will not occur in the future.